Topological graph theory and crossing numbers
Arriving Saturday, October 21 and departing Thursday October 26, 2006
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Ackerman, Eyal | Simon Fraser University |
Albertson, Mike | Smith College |
Bokal, Drago | University of Maribor |
Bruhn, Henning | Universität Hamburg |
Cabello, Sergio | University of Ljubljana |
Christian, Robin | University of Waterloo |
Debowsky, Marisa | Courant Institute |
DeVos, Matt | Simon Fraser University |
Ebrahimi Boroojeni, Javad | Simon Fraser University |
Ellingham, Mark | Vanderbilt University |
Fox, Jacob | Stanford University |
Goddyn, Luis | Simon Fraser University |
Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Taghi | University of Maryland at College Park |
Hlineny, Petr | Masaryk University |
Hutchinson, Joan | Macalester College |
Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi | National Institute of Informatics |
Kral, Daniel | Charles University |
Mohar, Bojan | Simon Fraser University |
Norin, Sergey | McGill University |
Oum, Sang-il | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Pach, Janos | Renyi Institute of Mathematics |
Pelsmajer, Michael | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Pikhurko, Oleg | University of Warwick |
Pinchasi, Rom | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Richter, Bruce | University of Waterloo |
Robertson, G. Neil | Ohio State University |
Salazar, Gelasio | Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi |
Schaefer, Marcus | DePaul University |
Shahrokhi, Farhad | University of North Texas |
Solymosi, Jozsef | University of British Columbia |
Song, Zixia | University of Central Florida |
Szekely, Laszlo | University of South Carolina |
Tardos, Gabor | Renyi Institute, Budapest |
Thomas, Robin | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Thomassen, Carsten | Technical University of Denmark |
Vodopivec, Andrej | University of Ljubljana |
Yerger, Carl | Georgia Institute of Technology |