Topological graph theory and crossing numbers

Arriving Saturday, October 21 and departing Thursday October 26, 2006

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Ackerman, Eyal Simon Fraser University
Albertson, Mike Smith College
Bokal, Drago University of Maribor
Bruhn, Henning Universität Hamburg
Cabello, Sergio University of Ljubljana
Christian, Robin University of Waterloo
Debowsky, Marisa Courant Institute
DeVos, Matt Simon Fraser University
Ebrahimi Boroojeni, Javad Simon Fraser University
Ellingham, Mark Vanderbilt University
Fox, Jacob Stanford University
Goddyn, Luis Simon Fraser University
Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Taghi University of Maryland at College Park
Hlineny, Petr Masaryk University
Hutchinson, Joan Macalester College
Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi National Institute of Informatics
Kral, Daniel Charles University
Mohar, Bojan Simon Fraser University
Norin, Sergey McGill University
Oum, Sang-il Georgia Institute of Technology
Pach, Janos Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Pelsmajer, Michael Illinois Institute of Technology
Pikhurko, Oleg University of Warwick
Pinchasi, Rom Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Richter, Bruce University of Waterloo
Robertson, G. Neil Ohio State University
Salazar, Gelasio Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi
Schaefer, Marcus DePaul University
Shahrokhi, Farhad University of North Texas
Solymosi, Jozsef University of British Columbia
Song, Zixia University of Central Florida
Szekely, Laszlo University of South Carolina
Tardos, Gabor Renyi Institute, Budapest
Thomas, Robin Georgia Institute of Technology
Thomassen, Carsten Technical University of Denmark
Vodopivec, Andrej University of Ljubljana
Yerger, Carl Georgia Institute of Technology