BIRS Live Stream Schedule

Below is the schedule of talks, not necessarily those that will be broadcast. We encourage participants to record and broadcast their talks, but it is up to them to press the button.

Modeling and Theory in Population Biology (May 19 to 24)

Tuesday May 21 between 09:50 and 10:35 MDT [2024-05-21T09:50:00.00-06:00]
John Wakeley of Harvard University, Accounting for pedigrees in models of ancestral genetic processes
Thursday May 23 between 10:30 and 10:55 MDT [2024-05-23T10:30:00.00-06:00]
Andrew Clark of Cornell University, Modeling piRNA defense against transposable elements

Advances in Hierarchical Hyperbolicity (May 26 to 31)

Tuesday May 28 between 13:30 and 14:00 MDT [2024-05-28T13:30:00.00-06:00]
Stefanie Zbinden of Heriot-Watt University

Bridging Prediction and Intervention Problems in Social Systems (Jun 2 to 7)

Monday June 3 between 10:30 and 11:00 MDT [2024-06-03T10:30:00.00-06:00]
Solon Barocas of Microsoft Research; Cornell University

Mathematics of Multiscale and Multiphysics Phenomena in Materials Science (Jun 16 to 21)

Monday June 17 between 11:00 and 11:30 MDT [2024-06-17T11:00:00.00-06:00]
Lia Bronsard of McMaster University, Patterns in tri-block copolymers: droplets, double-bubbles and core-shells
Wednesday June 19 between 09:00 and 09:40 MDT [2024-06-19T09:00:00.00-06:00]
Irene Fonseca of Carnegie Mellon University, From Phase Separation in Heterogeneous Media to Learning Training Schemes for Image Denoising
Thursday June 20 between 09:00 and 09:30 MDT [2024-06-20T09:00:00.00-06:00]
Pierre Degond of Imperial College London, Passage between Doi-Onsager and Ericksen-Leslie models of liquid crystals