Computational Complexity of Statistical Inference
Arriving Sunday, February 25 and departing Friday March 1, 2024
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Addario-Berry, Louigi | McGill University |
Applebaum, Benny | Tel Aviv university |
Bafna, Mitali | MIT |
Bangachev, Kiril | MIT |
Bogdanov, Andrej | University of Ottawa |
Bresler, Guy | MIT |
Chen, Sitan | Harvard University |
Compton, Spencer | Stanford University |
Gamarnik, David | MIT |
Grigorescu, Elena | Purdue University |
Hopkins, Sam | MIT |
Huang, Brice | MIT |
Ishai, Yuval | Technion |
Jagannath, Aukosh | University of Waterloo |
Jain, Aayush | Carnegie Mellon University |
Klivans, Adam | UT-Austin |
Koehler, Frederic | Stanford |
Kothari, Pravesh | Carnegie Mellon University |
Krzkala, Florent | EPFL |
Kunisky, Dmitriy | Johns Hopkins University |
Lange, Jane | MIT |
Lin, Rachel | University of Washington |
Liu, Siqi | Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science |
Manohar, Peter | CMU |
Meka, Raghu | University of California, Los Angeles |
Mohanty, Sidhanth | MIT |
Moitra, Ankur | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Moore, Cris | Santa fe Institute |
Moran, Shay | Technion |
Moshkovitz, Michal | Tel Aviv University |
Niles-Weed, Jonathan | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU |
Potechin, Aaron | University of Chicago |
Schramm, Tselil | Stanford |
Sellke, Mark | Harvard |
Skerman, Fiona | Uppsala University |
Steurer, David | ETH Zurich |
Sun, Nike | MIT |
Tiegel, Stefan | ETH Zurich |
Vaikuntanathan, Vinod | MIT |
Vuong, Thuy-Duong (June) | Stanford |
Wein, Alex | University of California, Davis |
Wu, David | UC Berkeley |
Xu, Jiaming | Duke University |
Zadik, Ilias | MIT |
Zdeborova, Lenka | EPFL |