Nonlinear Water Waves: Rigorous Analysis and Scientific Computing

Arriving Sunday, October 27 and departing Friday November 1, 2024

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Agrawal, Siddhant University of Colorado Boulder
Ahmad, Rami Saarlands
Akers, Benjamin Air Force Institute of Technology
Alonso-Oran, Diego Universidad de La Laguna
Ambrose, David Drexel University
Andrade, David Universidad del Rosario
Barros, Ricardo Loughborough University
Batakci, Levent University of Washington
Blyth, Mark University of East Anglia
Brull, Gabriele Lund University
Buffoni, Boris Ecole Polytechnique Federale - Lausanne
Byrnes, Ellie University of Washington
Carnevale, Chiara Libera Penn State University
Chen, Ming University of Pittsburgh
Choi, Wooyoung New Jersey Institute of Technology
Clamond, Didier Universite Cote dAzur
Creedon, Ryan Brown University
Deconinck, Bernard University of Washington
Durey, Matt University of Glasgow
Ehrnstrom, Mats NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Geyer, Anna TU Delft
Granero-Belinchon, Rafael Universidad de Cantabria
Groves, Mark Universitat des Saarlandes
Grubic, Nastasia CSIC
Guan, Xin University College London
Gutheil, Nils Saarlands
Haragus, Mariana Universite de Franche Comte
Haziot, Susanna Princeton University
Henry, David University College Cork
Hilder, Bastian TU Munich
Hildrum, Fredrik Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Hill, Dan Saarland University
Hur, Vera University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ifrim, Mihaela University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ionescu, Alexandru Princeton University
Ionescu-Kruse, Delia The Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Kairzhan, Adilbek Nazarbayev University
Kalisch, Henrik University of Bergen
Kalogirou, Anna University of Nottingham
Keeler, Jack University of East Anglia
Lannes, David Universite de Bordeaux
Lian, Wei Lund University
Martin, Calin University of Vienna
Milewski, Paul Penn State
Murashige, Sunao Ibaraki University
Nguyen, Huy University of Maryland at College Park
Nicholls, David University of Illinois at Chicago
Nilsson, Dag Lund University
Parau, Emilian University of East Anglia
Pasquali, Stefano SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati)
Phillips, Kat University of Warwick
Pineau, Ben NYU Courant
Quirchmayr, Ronald Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Ribeiro, Roberto Federal University of Paraná
Saqib, Muhammad Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology Rahim Yar Khan Pakistan
Schneider, Guido University of Stuttgart
Semenova, Anastassiya University of Washington
Shelton, Josh University of Bath
Sinambela, Daniel New York University, Abu Dhabi
Singh, Sudhir GITAM University, Bengaluru, India
Stuhlmeier, Raphael University of Plymouth
Su, Qingtang Academy of Mathmetics and Systems Sciences, Academdy of Chinese Science
Sulem, Catherine University of Toronto
Sun, Shu-Ming Virginia Tech
Svensson Seth, Douglas Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Tataru, Daniel UC Berkeley
To, Giang Lund University
Trichtchenko, Olga University of Western Ontario
Tugulan, Claudia The University of Western Ontario
Vargas Magana, Rosa Maria University of Bergen
Varholm, Kristoffer University of Pittsburgh
Wahlen, Erik Lund University
Walsh, Samuel University of Missouri
Weber, Jorg University of Vienna
Wheeler, Miles University of Bath
Wilkening, Jon University of California, Berkeley
Wu, Sijue University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Zhao, Xinyu McMaster University
Zheng, Zibo NJIT