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Schedule for: 18w5015 - Physics and Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory

Beginning on Sunday, July 29 and ending Friday August 3, 2018

All times in Banff, Alberta time, MDT (UTC-6).

Sunday, July 29
16:00 - 17:30 Check-in begins at 16:00 on Sunday and is open 24 hours (Front Desk - Professional Development Centre)
17:45 - 19:45 Dinner (Vistas Dining Room)
20:00 - 22:00 Informal gathering (Corbett Hall Lounge (CH 2110))
Monday, July 30
07:00 - 08:50 Breakfast (Vistas Dining Room)
08:50 - 09:05 Introduction and Welcome by BIRS Staff (TCPL 201)
09:05 - 10:00 Vincent Rivasseau: Holographic Tensors (TCPL 201)
10:00 - 10:30 Daniel Siemssen: Feynman Propagators and the Self-Adjointness of the Klein–Gordon Operator (TCPL 201)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
11:00 - 11:55 Mathieu Lewin: Mean-field approximation of QED (TCPL 201)
11:55 - 13:30 Lunch (Vistas Dining Room)
13:55 - 14:25 Krzysztof Gawedzki: Heat waves in 1+1-dimensional Conformal Field Theory (TCPL 201)
14:25 - 14:45 Group Photo (TCPL 201)
14:55 - 15:25 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
15:25 - 16:20 Detlev Buchholz: The resolvent algebra of non-relativistic Bose fields: a C*-dynamical approach to interacting many body systems (TCPL 201)
16:20 - 17:15 Abdelmalek Abdesselam: Space-dependent RG, anomalous dimensions in a hierarchical model for 3d CFT and connections to the AdS/CFT correspondence (TCPL 201)
17:45 - 19:45 Dinner (Vistas Dining Room)
Tuesday, July 31
07:00 - 08:50 Breakfast (Vistas Dining Room)
08:50 - 09:45 Wojciech Dybalski: Infrared problems in QED: Some topics of current research (TCPL 201)
09:45 - 10:15 Alessandro Pizzo: From the infrared problems in non-relativistic QED to non-commutative recurrence (TCPL 201)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
10:45 - 11:15 Daniela Cadamuro: Construction of Haag-Kastler nets for factorizing S-matrices with poles. I (TCPL 201)
11:15 - 11:45 Yoh Tanimoto: Construction of Haag-Kastler nets for factorizing S-matrices with poles. II (TCPL 201)
11:45 - 13:30 Lunch (Vistas Dining Room)
13:30 - 14:25 Stefan Hollands: Renormalization of Yang-Mills theories (TCPL 201)
14:25 - 14:55 Markus B. Fröb: New results for the operator product expansion (TCPL 201)
14:55 - 15:25 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
15:25 - 16:20 Mikolaj Misiak: Perturbative calculations in QFT and the Laporta algorithm (TCPL 201)
17:45 - 19:45 Dinner (Vistas Dining Room)
Wednesday, August 1
07:00 - 08:50 Breakfast (Vistas Dining Room)
09:00 - 12:30 Morning excursion (Banff National Park)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
11:40 - 13:30 Lunch (Vistas Dining Room)
14:00 - 14:55 Krzysztof Meissner: Conformal anomalies (TCPL 201)
14:55 - 15:15 Quick coffee break (TCPL 201)
15:15 - 16:10 Scott Smith: Renormalized Stochastic PDE's (TCPL 201)
17:45 - 19:45 Dinner (Vistas Dining Room)
Thursday, August 2
07:00 - 08:50 Breakfast (Vistas Dining Room)
08:50 - 09:45 Christopher Fewster: Measurement schemes for quantum field theory in curved spacetimes (TCPL 201)
09:45 - 10:15 Kasia Rejzner: BV quantization in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory: gauge theories and effective quantum gravity (TCPL 201)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
10:45 - 11:40 Michał Wrochna: Propagators and distinguished states on curved spacetimes (TCPL 201)
11:40 - 13:30 Lunch (Vistas Dining Room)
13:30 - 14:25 Nicola Pinamonti: Thermal states in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory: stability, relative entropy and entropy production (TCPL 201)
14:25 - 14:55 Paweł Duch: Infrared problem and adiabatic limit in perturbative quantum field theory (TCPL 201)
14:55 - 15:25 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
15:25 - 15:55 Joseph C. Várilly: Wigner's "continuous-spin" representations reconsidered (TCPL 201)
17:45 - 19:45 Dinner (Vistas Dining Room)
19:45 - 20:15 Henning Bostelmann (adhoc talk): "Backflow: A tale of potentials in quantum mechanics with potential for public impact" (TCPL 201)
Friday, August 3
07:00 - 08:50 Breakfast (Vistas Dining Room)
08:50 - 09:45 David Simmons-Duffin: The conformal bootstrap in d>2 dimensions (TCPL 201)
09:45 - 10:15 Christian Jaekel: The Haag-Kastler Axioms for the P(φ)2 Model on the De Sitter Space (TCPL 201)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer)
10:45 - 11:40 Sebastiano Carpi: AQFT and VOAs (TCPL 201)
11:40 - 12:10 Checkout by Noon (Front Desk - Professional Development Centre)
12:10 - 13:30 Lunch (Vistas Dining Room)