Rational and Integral Points via Analytic and Geometric Methods
Arriving Sunday, May 27 and departing Friday June 1, 2018
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Berg, Jennifer | Rice University |
Bright, Martin | Universiteit Leiden |
Browning, Tim | University of Bristol |
Cao, Yang | Leibniz Universitat Hannover |
Corona, Miguel | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
Derenthal, Ulrich | Leibniz Universität Hannover |
Desjardins, Julie | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics |
Destagnol, Kevin | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn |
Etropolski, Anastassia | Rice University |
Farfán, Victoria Cantoral | ICTP |
Frei, Christopher | TU Graz |
Gallegos-Ruiz, Homero | DNA |
Gunther, Joseph | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Heath-Brown, Roger | Oxford University |
Hindry, Marc | Paris VII |
Ho, Wei | University of Michigan |
Huang, Zhizhong | Université Grenoble Alpes |
Landesman, Aaron | Stanford University |
Loughran, Daniel | University of Bath |
Manzateanu, Adelina | University of Leiden |
Mitankin, Vladimir | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Morgan, Adam | Kings College London |
Morrow, Jackson | Emory University |
Newton, Rachel | King's College London |
Overkamp, Otto | Imperial College London |
Park, Jennifer | The Ohio State University |
Pieropan, Marta | Utrecht University |
Rome, Nick | University of Bristol |
Salgado, Cecília | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Schindler, Damaris | Goettingen University |
Skorobogatov, Alexei | Imperial College London |
Sofos, Efthymios | Glasgow University |
Tanimoto, Sho | University of Copenhagen |
Top, Jaap | University of Groningen |
van Luijk, Ronald | Universiteit Leiden |
Varilly-Alvarado, Anthony | Rice University |
Vishe, Pankaj | Durham University |
Vogt, Isabel | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Voloch, Felipe | University of Canterbury |
Wilsch, Florian | University of Hannover |
Wittenberg, Olivier | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - École normale supérieure |
Zureick-Brown, David | Emory University |