$p$-adic Cohomology and Arithmetic Applications
Arriving Sunday, October 1 and departing Friday October 6, 2017
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Abe, Tomoyuki | Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe |
Balakrishnan, Jennifer | Boston University |
Baldassarri, Francesco | Universita Degli Studi di Padova |
Bellovin, Rebecca | Imperial College London |
Böckle, Gebhard | Universität Heidelberg |
Costa, Edgar | Dartmouth College |
Crew, Richard | University of Florida |
Dan-Cohen, Ishai | Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
Di Proietto, Valentina | University of Exeter |
Ertl, Veronika | Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk |
Esnault, Hélène | Freie Universität Berlin |
Gregory, Oliver | Teschnische Universität München |
Hansen, David | Columbia University |
Hesselholt, Lars | Nagoya University / University of Copenhagen |
Huyghe, Christine | IRMA Universite de Strasbourg |
Kedlaya, Kiran | University of California, San Diego |
Kobayashi, Shinichi | Kyushu University |
Kramer-Miller, Joe | University College London |
Langer, Andreas | University of Exeter |
Lazda, Christopher | Universita di Padova |
Le Stum, Bernard | IRMAR Universite de Rennes I |
Liu, Ruochuan | Peking University |
Marmora, Adriano | IRMA Universite de Strasbourg |
Moon, Yong Suk | Purdue University |
Niziol, Wiesława | ENS Lyon |
Orlik, Sascha | Universitat Wuppertal |
Pal, Ambrus | Imperial College London |
Pulita, Andrea | Institut Fourier |
Shankar, Ananth | MIT |
Shiho, Atsushi | University of Tokyo |
Strauch, Matthias | Indiana University |
Taelman, Lenny | Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Vlasenko, Masha | Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Zhu, Xinwen | Caltech |
Ziegler, Paul | University of Oxford |
Zureick-Brown, David | Amherst College |