Dynamics of structured populations

Arriving Sunday, April 20 and departing Friday April 25, 2008

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Arino, Julien University of Manitoba
Billings, Lora Montclair State University
Boldin, Barbara University of Helsinki
Caswell, Hal Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Claire Tyson, Rebecca University of British Columbia Okanagan
Cushing, Jim University of Arizona
Desjardins, Sylvie University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Diekmann, Odo utrecht university
Flores, Kevin Arizona State University
Gong, Jiafen University of Alberta
Greenwood, Priscilla (Cindy) University of British Colombia
Guo, Hongbin York University
Gyllenberg, Mats University of Helsinki
Hadeler, Karl University of Tuebingen
Hamelin, Frederic University of Alberta
Hastings, Alan University of California Davis
Hilker, Frank University of Bath
Hillen, Thomas University of Alberta
Klepac, Petra Penn State University
Kot, Mark University of Washington
Lewis, Mark University of Victoria
Lutscher, Frithjof University of Ottawa
Ma, Junling University of Victoria
Magal, Pierre University of LeHavre
Martin, Jonathan University of Alberta
Neubert, Michael Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Nevai, Andrew The Ohio State University
Ruan, Shigui University of Miami
Schreiber, Sebastian University of California, Davis
Seo, Gunog University of Washington
Smith, Hal Arizona State University
Thanate, Dhirasakdanon Arizona State University
Thieme, H. Arizona State University
Van den Driessche, Pauline University of Victoria
Watmough, James University of New Brunswick
Weinberger, Hans University of Minnesota (Prof. Emeritus)
Zhao, Xiaoqiang Memorial University of Newfoundland
Zhu, Huaiping York University (Canada)