Mathematics of Planet Earth

BIRS is proud to participate in the Mathematics of Planet Earth, a global initiative by research institutes, universities, and scientific societies who have designated the year 2013 as a special year for the Mathematics of Planet Earth.
Press release: MPE2013 is launched!
We will be hosting ten workshops in 2013 that contribute to this important project:
January 13 to 18: New Perspectives on the N-body Problem (13w5055)
February 17 to 22: Probabilistic Approaches to Data Assimilation for Earth Systems (13w5139)
May 12 to 17: Impact of climate change on biological invasions and population distributions (13w5095)
June 30 to July 5: Water waves: computational approaches for complex problems (13w5069)
September 22 to 27: Uncovering Transport Barriers in Geophysical Flows (13w5089)
September 27 to 29: Mathematical Modeling of Indigenous Populations Health (13w2111)
October 6 to 11: The role of oceans in climate uncertainty (13w5104)
October 20 to 25: Managing fire on populated forest landscapes (13w5125)